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  • Jan/6/2024


    At AWS Re:Invent 2016 today, Amazon rolled out new machine learning offerings -- both to keep ahead of furiously evolving competition and to provide tools that range from simple, high-level services to expert-level products.

  • Dec/4/2023

    Microsoft .NET

    Microsoft takes .NET open source and cross-platform, adds new development capabilities with Visual Studio 2015, .NET 2015 and Visual Studio Online

  • Feb/01/2024


    The FTSE 500 business is starting an implementation of Workday financials after a successful rollout of its HR solution, and is seeing serious cost savings as a result.

  • Mar/09/2024


    AtScale, provider of BI (Business Intelligence) on Hadoop, has released its study titled “The Business Intelligence Benchmark for SQL-on-Hadoop engines,” which is a performance test of BI workloads on Hadoop. The report also studies the strengths and weaknesses of Hive, Presto, Impala and Spark SQL, which are the most popular analytical engines for Hadoop.